Transformers franchise producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura addresses the chance of an R-rated movie ever getting the green light. Based on the Hasbro toy line, the first live-action Transformers movie was released in 2007 from director Michael Bay. After numerous sequels and spinoffs, all of which were rated PG-13, the upcoming Transformers One is set to take the franchise back to animation and a PG rating. So far, no entry has experimented with an R.

In a recent interview with, di Bonaventura is asked about whether audiences can ever expect an R-rated Transformers movie. While the producer says that the idea "sounds really fun," he casts doubt on it ever coming to fruition. According to di Bonaventura, one key reason is that the movies are expensive to make, but he also worries about alienating the franchise's core fans. Check out his comment below:

"Look, I love new boundaries, you know, so that for me, it sounds really fun to be able to do something like that. But the truth of the matter is, this cost a lot of money and, you know, these movies are supposed to be designed for everybody, all audiences. And so I'd like to keep it there and make sure that we don't disappoint or freak out some of our fans by going in a different direction."

What Di Bonaventura's Update Means For Transformers

Why The Autobots & Decepticons Are Unlikely To Move Beyond PG-13

From a commercial perspective, not exceeding PG-13 for a Transformers movie makes a lot of sense. An R-rating on any movie instantly limits its potential audience, and thus its potential box office revenue. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023), for example, was made on an estimated budget of $200 million, meaning it may have been looking at a break-even point of as high as $500 million. Not making that movie accessible to anyone under the age of 17 (without a parent or guardian) makes that investment far more risky.

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts underwhelmed commercially, grossing $439 million worldwide. This makes it the lowest-grossing entry in the franchise.

Every Transformers Movie, Ranked

The Transformers movies offer a lot of CGI and explosions, but the best ones are full of heart. From Michael Bay's films to Bumblebee, which is best?

It's clear that there are also creative reasons for not exceeding a PG-13. Something like the R-rated Deadpool & Wolverine (2024), for example, has been a massive hit and earned over $1.288 billion, but that film is also based on a comic book character who has historically not been entirely family-friendly. Transformers, on the other hand, is based on a children's toy line, and the history of the franchise has been deeply rooted in entertainment suitable for people of all ages.

Our Take On A Potential R-Rated Transformers Movie

Why Now Might Be The Right Time

Considering the last three installments disappointed either critically or commercially, the IP is arguably in need of a win. Reviews for Transformers One have been glowing so far, but it's unclear how future live-action films will fare. If an R-rated film could somehow be made for less money, it could be the shakeup the franchise needs. Unfortunately, however, di Bonaventura's latest statements suggest it's not likely audiences will be seeing an R-rated Transformers movie anytime soon.


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